Ah Happiness! How fond we are of you. You enlighten each day as if you were the sun itself. You can only be compared to the coming of life as a baby, in the amount of excitement, tenderness, and emotion, radiated by we who art called "humans", in those few seconds of true visions.

Isn't life a vision when seen through your eyes, opposed to the tearing times of sadness, when death is the only sight which can be seen. After that we return to you, which we love most, who heals the wounds inflicted at other times. In only you is there hope and please help us.

In those two paragraphs above is described the better portions of the works found following this opening page. An entire world of poetry, stories, and other things which there are no names for.

May each be read feeling the same emotions in which each piece was written, for only in that way can they truely be appreciated.



In the beginning man was alive to the universe but still dead to himself. Jest a speck in a universe so large that not even a million years after his birth he still could hardly guess at the distance of it. He was the one and the only ruler to himself, but still could be destroyed with the move of a hand. He was so young that even the races older than time would look upon him and remember how they began trillions of years ago.

In every world where beings have existed there has been a struggle for survival, then when the struggling ends he slowly begins to destroy himself, becoming more advanced depending on machines more than ever to do his work for him and then eventually destroy him. Even in the year 1970 he still, after hundreds of years of existence, has not learned to stop destroying his world which was given to him millions of years ago. In this year 1970 he has not yet stopped struggling for survival, he still is like a savage beast, killing innocent people and destroying great cities. He makes weapons which soon not even he will be able to control.

In some areas of the world man is so filthy rich that he has everything he wants except happiness, and then yet the poor man has nothing, but he is still happier than the rich man will ever be.

In this year man has built great machines, many of which destroy his environment. They kill the fertility of the soil, the air is so heavily polluted that soon we shall all need to wear a suit which refines the air we breathe, but they will not help for long. The water in most areas is unable to support the life it used to at one time. Some men are fighting this but they are usually laughed at. As man slowly destroys his environment he destroys himself just as fast.

Today man reaches for the stars in the same way in which he reached for life itself, but he soon shall regret both. He hopes to find life on other planets so that they can help him survive on his world.

In all the years of man's existence he has never been able to find a solution to end the wars that have plagued him throughout his life. He has never stopped fighting against beings of his own world. He fights many wars at one time all of which he is slowly losing, "Man against Man, Man against Environment, and Man against Himself."

I thought that all the fighting man is doing was keeping himself strong, but he is slowly weakening and when it comes to a point where mans own inventions destroy him entirely then man shall be no more, he shall be an ill forgotten memory of a race, that from its birth was destined to destroy itself, and as for the races which are older than time herself, which have survived through the perils that have plagued them, the ones who saw mans birth and his death, they shall have another check to put in their records of planets which were destroyed by the inhabitants of that world.

Then when man has another beginning, if any, somebody else will write this same story and everything shall happen over again.

May 1970

The Cut List(To Bill Bailey)

The cut list is the list than any sports player fears. Everybody works for the team. They learn to almost read the others thoughts during a game. You can see the fear, the pain, or the joy of the player on your side. You learn to live with others on the team, which to other people is like one huge family. But all this is ruined one day when the dreaded cut list comes. The day before each is worried in his own way, for none but the lazy knows who'll be gone the tomorrow.

Then you walk in the room, you look at the board and there it is, the cut list. You see it, you go to it - it draws itself to your eyes. You try with all your might to not look at it, but it is like a magnet and you're slowly drawn towards it. You see a list of names most familiar, and at a distance yours. You walk closer turn around and look quickly at the list, then slowly you turn away, you've found your name, it was truly there. You look, feel, and see how the others are, the ones also on the list. Sadness seems to reign supreme now. You stand there thinking why, what didn't I do right and when was the decision made. You think of the work you did, the fun and the joy of being a team - which is now only half. And you watch your dreams die in front of you.

You pick your head up, you see the ones who are still on the team, they are also sad - for their friends are gone. You watch them prepare for another practice one which you'll never be in. You listen to them saying goodbye and its been fun.

At last you see the coach, but only for a second, for you have turned away in disgrace, and your mind is full of harsh thoughts. You turn in your equipment or throw it away whichever is preferred. You try to walk out with your head upright but it isn't easy for you have lost your pride. Then you look back and remember the list: remember you aren't the only one, there were others who are gone too. And though all this has happened in just a few short seconds; one short burning question dwells within yourself - "Why?"

September 1970


"We hereby do

Solemnly swear to love

Each other until a belief draw us apart.

Though there be forces in this world which even we two cannot control --

Though at times there be doubt in our love --

We shall always love one another;

Though all the forces of the Earth and Universe be upon us.

We shall always be together --

No matter what the distance,

No matter what the ideas,

We shall love one another."

January 1971

It has been said that time curves upon itself-perhaps then we will another chance


In the beginning as in the end there was nothing or very little of whatever there was. But there wasn't much left of what there was. You see around this place we don't have much; but there used to be a lot of what we had but we don't have it anymore. It all sorta vanished as did everything else. There wasn't much when we can their wasn't much when we left either, but during our stay we sorta saved the things we had, but then slowly we finally started to use it all up. The things we saved are very valuable; as all life is; but we tried to save as much as we could, you see what I'm trying to say is that there wasn't nothing when we came and there wasn't nothing when we left. When we came to this place it was just a big oval shaped ball cooling off to be a world and when we left it, it was nothing. Just a big ball cooling off, but not to bring life, this time but to destroy it or what was left. We guess you would like to know what this place is; well the inhabitants called "Earth", and as it began and ended, it was nothing.

January 1971


Today was the day that it happened!

It happened this morn', a terrible thing.

For when I got up

I forgot the world,

I was living and leading myself,

Until she came.

For when she came it struck.

The world came back and I started to live.

And that day she left without warning.

She left me alone for all eternity!

Today was the day she came and left -

Oh, I loved her so.

Today was the day I left the world forever

Without anyone saying I had to stay

for Her!


People in love act in strange ways. Some of which show love and others which act as if they hated the other person. But in their heart that is the only person for them. In me these emotions are mixed-but they all point to one.

No one being is more important than the world - but to save a world starts with one being.


Pollution is not something to laugh at, and it's not something you can joke about or play games with. It is a disease that spreads through all mankind. For he is the one who created it and only he can stop it. For in the last fifteen decades man has been slowly destroying our world. Maybe some day this phrase will mean something, "then man shall be no more."* Because if man doesn't do something fast, within the next ten years or less, than this phrase will probably ring true and maybe others will learn by our mistakes. He has caused so much damage to his world that we might never even see the year 2000, like we would of seen it if there was not any pollution. Maybe we were destined to destroy ourselves for the other races to learn to control or stop pollution. But some day all men shall realize their mistakes and try to make them up. Though there are many hundreds of people who want pollution stopped who are realizing their own and others mistakes, there are many more who do not believe them. They would rather believe that all troubles will overcome themselves without our help. When ten years have passed and no action was taken to halt pollution, these men shall see the folly of their ways and be reminded of their words, they will look around and see what they have caused. Perhaps then they will believe that the Earth can die.

January 18, 1971


You look for peace and never find it, but instead you find hate and war. You turn around to see if its better but its all the same, ware and hate all about you. You try to get that peace you hold so dear to others who have never known it; but for what they don't understand they kill without a moments thought. You run; you hide; but they always find you, for they must seek out what they hate most and that is the peace you have in yourself. And as you die you wonder, "Will peace now come to you?"

To be life created of life is to be joyous with all. To be on a world with beauty is to have pleasure through life. To have love for fellow being alike and different is to not have hate for ones-self. To be joyous with life is to be alive. To create a life to be one with itself and to have all things above is a miracle.

May 20, 1971

Though true time shall never end our time shall. In all the universe all things remain the same, though parts of the universe change, the universe itself stays the same forever.


This world as it is; life so ever fleeting, but to be followed by death. A world which could be an utopia forever but, no, the inhabitants won't let it be so. A world where all life justs wants to live but the stronger ones won't let it be so. The rulers want only death and give no reason. A world where peace is the symbol and death is the cause. A world where madness rules and sanity is forgotten. Where people want the best of everything but haven't gotten it yet and never will. The peace we want so badly has been forever denied us. It's as if we were born to destroy and forever follow this rule. For peace is a thing forever denied us and if we don't cross its path soon there might not be a world. And the little life left on this planet may if find its goal of eternal peace. For all its life they will ask the question, "How is it to be found?"

May 20, 1971

I was once asked by an acquaintance of mine: "why is it when you leave that there is a huge gap in our home?" After a moment I answered: "it is my full compliance with nature that brings everyone together and when I leave everyone drifts apart."


I dream of an island, a world, a land so fertile that all life could live there. I know that its out there without the touch of humans. It lives, it breathes. It hides itself from the greedy and shows itself to the peaceful. It waits, it sits. Forever rebuilding its own beauty as the outside declines. It has fresh water where none has been, clean air which shall forever be. I see it, I reach for it, but it is just a dream. But then I know its real and some day it shall be found. Though it take me a hundred-hundred years I'll search and long for peace and beauty. Yes, the beauty of the Forever Island.

September 1971


This world as it is, an innumerable mass of elements ready to be wasted by these so called human beings. What I have found here is a virtual paradise with beauty and an emotion called love. But then yet I find these are over run by the corruptness and wanting to satisfy ones greed. I have not made contact with these beings, because I feel that it could be fatal to myself.

When I entered this world's atmosphere, basic tests proved it suitable to my life form, but as I left my ship I found myself weaker than ever. So, upon returning to my ship and rechecking the data I found that the atmosphere was and is deadly to our race. I destroyed my ship and have found a place to dwell in. I did this to insure that I couldn't carry any disease onto other pure races.

I have found beauty and death at once, which is such a frightening thing. This earth year is 1971 or 10001 kroons. I have witnessed their advances towards space and with them their disease. They are so primitive compared to us. During our time for advancement we planted our banner on a hundred worlds; they have only one.

Pollution, poverty, war - are so wrong for this world. I hope for them to open their eyes and see that they are destroying the life of the world and the world's life.

They are weakened by technology, I do not see a golden age of reason for them.

The planet is classifed MX. All space travelers are warned to stay clear. I was to visit Niton VI but their race would of been destroyed. Earthlings are close to uncovering their UFO mysteries, but as usual they are abandoning their search, which is good for us. I have less than one mil to live so let it be remembered, "Our race shall survive through peace and prosperity." Please do heed my warning, do not visit this world. This is my final report.

Kroon - approximately 400 days

Mil - approximately 40 hours

Niton VI - Mars

August 4, 1971


Freedom is to know no superior.

Freedom is to be able to look at the world and see no fences; no brick walls; no moats, "no trespassing" signs; no boundaries anywhere; no distances too far.

Freedom is vagrancy, having no home, no place to be attached to, no dread memories of times past to keep you the same.

Freedom is seeing man help each other - not for greed but for friendship.

Freedom is being able to see the sun rise and set with no obstructions in your path.

Freedom is to be able to look at nature run free and grow; to live without harm.

Freedom is fresh air, beautiful country and love.

Freedom is for all males and females, whether plant or animal; no matter the race or species.

Freedom is for those who believe.

Freedom is seeing a world that is beautiful and quiet.

Freedom is everywhere: Where peace and love are: Where no wars exist; and no poverty is.

Freedom is the ability to wake in the morning and walk in one direction without a being questioning your deed.

Freedom is seeing others be free.

Freedom is a bird flying through the air with no net to bar its way.

Freedom is feeling beautiful no matter how ugly you are.

Freedom is death to some.

Freedom is just being free.

February 28, 1972


I believe I lived a normal life,

but sometimes I turned myself off to the world.

I guess I thought nobody really cared how I thought,

but it doesn't matter now, does it?

I enjoyed peace and freedom in the outdoors,

instead of playing softball or tennis,

when I felt down and out of it.

Once in a while a person would come along and

cheer me up,

but it always seemed to end up in the dumps.

Things never lasted too long with me

after a while I kinda' gave up on life.

Wait a second-

Now I remember, there was one,

her name, if I remember correctly

was a happy one:

Mary it was!

Oh, the memories of her-

A few were sad,

but many more were happy.

She was the one who changed my views towards life.

She even helped me to laugh,

and, if I remember correctly, she was mine towards the end.

I remember the two jobs I held

throughout my living days.

One was kind of dull,

I scrubbed floors, stacked shelves,

and put bottles in a coller.

All this for nine dollars a week

The other one was in a kind of "show biz."

I saw many people who had suffered waiting for death.

Some made me ask if there was a god,

others showed me the cruelty of man towards man.

My beliefs were different than some people.

I didn't believe in going to church,

I didn't believe in one god,

for a strange reason I believed in many gods.

I also believed that if you fail one man

while you have the power to help,

you have failed yourself.

April 1972


The 16th means quite a few things to me

The amount of letters in my name, which I use now, 1

My age of this year and only this year its a 2

Prom -- None of these mean a lot -- 3

The Best are:

The 16th is the day I met a girl named Mary 4

The 16th is the day on which this girl Mary was born 5

I've been very happy with her because she

Is the 16th girl I've had -- 6

And She is the best of all!

1 Matthew Lee Kincaid

2 Born October 13th Nineteen hundred and fifty-five

3 Carl Sandburg Highschool's May 16, 1972

4 August 16th Nineteen hundred and seventy. I met Mary through a friend which started up our life together.

5 Born October 16th Nineteen hundred and fifty-four.

6 Sixteenth girlfriend I have had.

May 16, 1972

life is all that the world is;

love is all life is.

Come with me, enjoy life, find love and freedom and the like. Flee through the fields of joy, let your energies traverse to the times of Troy. Allow life to enter and death to depart. Let your love encompass a globe for everyone is everything to you. Let your very touch bring freedom to all things it finds. Have your life enter new dimensions, where it's so unreal but you shall find it is all for good and shall ever be. Let the beauty of all enter your body, not your mind, but your body all, let it pass through yourself and fill your soul with joy for the time. Allow me to bring the things that are a wanted, for they be everything for everyone. For we shall enter life into which no other hath ever seen. Let answers be seen for questions and words be seen for definitions. Let old riddles fall and new ones appear but just to fall again. Follow me and we shall go to the times of ancestors and descendants, to the distances of impossible reach - for the dimensions of impossible reach - for in us there is power unlike any hath known for we are ourselves and none other.

September 6, 1972

We shall bring life to where none has been. Knowledge has been our goal and shall our goal be others. We shall bring them knowledge of ours for they will seek it. They shall learn in a day what to us a century. And all things shall be ours, and if may chance we find ourselves flowing away other life will still be ours. We shall astound the cosmos with feats unreal. All shall awe in our wake, for none be ours but we be theirs. Thus it is and shall always be.

God is a man as the man is to man - thus these two are one

September 11, 1972

For the unerring ways of life we have found ourselves here amongst others who are beyond our comprehension; as we are theirs. By these ways we have lived to fulfill our duties to ourselves and others. Though truly we had none. We had lived separate ways, you in the riches of life and I in the slums of death. We each survived in the hell we had and we lived to come as one with each other. For none could thwart the destiny that allowed us to be; nay not even death herself. For truly we art gods in ourselves each of us in his own way. That we each control the fates of ourselves and others. As we find wonder in all and all in wonder.

October 11, 1972


















Each life began is a miracle

each life born is yet more

January 2, 1973


Once on a world so vast and large; whose name "Gigantis" would of filled our minds with such terror that even our imagination could never truly conceive of its actual size, a child was bond, on a world which shared the cosmos with but only one Sun. He was a beautiful child, born on a mating of two Gods, "Mateus" god of wisdom, and "Neati" goddess of serenity. This world had such beauty upon it that each was content with himself and never wanted nor needed to look upwards towards space. Thus they never questioned the emptiness of the cosmos; the why of being alone. But this child grew and he questioned the unknown.

His name "Iwannonoda" meant god of knowledge. Some of the older gods also took the meaning to be mischief and they felt that Iwannonoda would somehow creat the downfall of Gigantis.

As he grew his questions grew, but he was still but a child-god, so none tried to answer his queries. He played basol which was related to the ancient game of baseball once played upon this planet. He was a pitcher, perhaps the finest in all the world. Each day his pitching became stronger and faster than anyone else. You think its exciting swimming in a pool of pure fire? This was one of Iwannonodas favorite activities besides basol. He was one of a few who could swim within the pool, and each who swam in the pool of fire would be endowed with a special power or his best attribute would be increased to amazing proportions. Well the river strengthened and developed his arm further than he could ever do it alone. After several swims his arm was so strong that he could hurl a basole virtually around the world.

As you know the strong are peril to that strength they hold best. And so it was with Iwanno. With every game he pitched and every one he won, complaints grew tremendously. No one could hit his pitch it was so fast. With each game the complaints grew more, harsh feelings also increased and finally one day the owners of the basol game decided to relieve Iwanno of all duties in basol and any team. He protested and his temper grew, he began to throw everything within his reach at anyone, anything that crossed his path. This rage lasted over many months, whole mountains vanished in hours. The world slowly began to "shrink" as something new was thrown out into the black space. As the world became smaller the equilibrium of "Sun-World", the so delicate pattern of orbit was thrown off. The world moved closer to the ever larger sun. The sun too, was feeling the havoc of Iwannonoda, bit by bit, the world faster, they both shrank and after a hundred days of rage, Iwanno ceased his rage. His soul quelled the anger, he forgave all sins that he created and of others. He was again alone for there were none to forgive him, all of the others were dead or thrown off into space. He looked up, his world was now the size of Mercury, orbitting around a small sun. Now he realized why the cosmos contained but two objects, the Sun and Gigantis. He realized that to form something new the old must come to an end. The knowledge he wanted was now his, answered by himself for none other could. You think maybe he was lonely my children? Well he wasn't he really was content, for now he could look up and see light in the once black sky. For he had a new universe with new life to grow from the old gods. There would be new planets to circle new suns. These were new beauties to him and he just sat content watching the universe pass by.

That class is the story of the creation of the universe and all the things that are now. Dismissed!

February 1, 1973

to each person life is different; but life to all is the same

God is but an inner strength of all men. To be showed through

prayer and song, man is god as man is man. These two join in

one to form life. This life can then, though unknowingly, create

miracles of any magnitude. Which is why we separate Man and

god into two beings. One to be worshipped; the other to hate

and cause all deeds that a man-god, thought of, could not

and never do unto others.

It is cold only where one denies there is warmth, as it is with life; it is only worth living so long as death is unthought

To be life created of life is to be joyous with all. To be on a world

with beauty is to have pleasure through life. To have love for a

fellow being alike and different is to not have hate for ones-self.

To be joyous with life is to be alive. To create a life to be one

with itself and to have all things above is a miracle.

February 2, 1973

The time has come

The deed is done-

For what we know now

is nothing old--

The deed we had is which others behold-

For it shall be told

and we will be sold-

Our soul's are gone

Life has left, from hence it was-

To begin anew in anothers mind

But which shall it be in a single sign.

February 21, 1973

Freedom is to walk along one unending path and see all the things that are beautiful. This path therefore is called Life.

Man be proud of what you are,

For there is nothing greater than yourself.

Never put yourself down for you

are none better than your fellow person.

Remember to your mind when judging others,

For they are to judge you, and each

shall find a thought different,

though yet they are one. To prove

Each is still -- yet the same.

February 22, 1973

to value life at the expense of others is

to be greedy - to value life at expense

to ones-self is to be of honor.

This thing I received was small, large, and

every other shape you could believe. It had

Beauty, Ugliness, Grace, and Horror. The

things it encompassed were love, hate, peace,

war, and all other emotions known. It could

die, but a new is born again. It is every-

thing and everything was it. It is a stream,

a tree, a bird, a cloud, a star, or just one

amoebae. It encompassed all and all encompassed

it. Everything grew from this and this was life.

February 27, 1973

Freedom is life and beauty and love

A prophet once asked me--What I think of death. And to him I answered, "It is a freeing of the spirit from one life to another." He then asked--Why do I believe this? And to him I answered again, "I have known death and to that fact all things I know." And after this answer I gave to him he said unto me. "Death is the ending of all life. It is the inability to feel hate, greed, and all fo the evil things that were in life. But there is great peace in death, you feel more than all before. This compassion I speak of is something unknown in life. It is very Beautiful. You say you have known death--How is this?" "I was once on the cliffs of unlife but I did not fall. During this I saw many things beautiful and ugly. These, I would see forever when the time to die came. But this was not the time, for life is short and I wanted to live it as long as it could be. And that is how I know of death. Be what your story?" As the prophet spoke his words filled my mind and all else left. "The way I saw death was real, unlike your lies. Through my teaching and learning's, I have connected myself with the unlife. I've learned that once I was a lamb who died. And during this death, my soul was very peaceful but it was restless to life. So I, among a few, was allowed to become like again. This is how I know of death. There is no ugliness only beauty. So to you, "Live each day as though it were the very best and last, for each can be one or the other. Each of these are in beauty and one is forever." Thus our session ended and he died again to be myself.

February 27, 1973

I see a child; still so small

filled with beauty that surpasses all.

Ready to come and answer life's call.

The child was conceived on the mating of two. I have ordained that the future being, be a she. She shall be the one, the turning point of all life. From life was she created and from her all life will emanate. There will be no problems in her fetal growth, or there after in her birth or early life. She will grow a normal growth till the age of sixteen, which at this time she will overcome death which was waiting in a car. This will bring alive her thoughts and she will start to affect the earth and universe. She will absorb all evil and then destroy it. All things will be beautiful in her wake. As is she, with her long hair and soft understanding eyes. She will live to be a hundred years of age, which is ripe now. And history will hold a place forever open to her ideas. She will in truth live forever. But hold! -- Over my plan of life for one and all a new thought occurs in the two, the she and him, ones who created the child. They will not let my plan be; they want the future to die. I cannot understand this, yet in three months of creation she is being torn apart by a machine of withdrawn air. Hear her screams.. How horrible. What if anything can I do for each human decides the futures destiny. See a tear her first and last: It touches but one person and performs a deed to only affect one being, not a universe. And the person it affects changes greatly and feels sorrow where none was, and pity where it shall ever be. He then promises never to abort one's life in any stage. And of this I feel great pain within myself, for now I too know of the greatest of feats, of plans of ideas: I now know how they too can die. And that one will feel her touch...

February 28, 1973

There are people in this world who don't like.

But there are many more who do. The ones that

do find life beautiful to live. And with each

passing moment they find wonder in it all. In

a grain of sand they see an entire universe and

imagine the life there is. In a blade of grass

they see the factories of food production as

easily as they see their own. Each lives life

to explore it, none are truly content to see

one action at a time. Each is always questioning

proven answers. These are all the wonderful

people. Though yet they don't know it they

will become Earth's people and the Earth will

become theirs.

February 28, 1973

to be peace with one-self is to be at peace with all.

We are one, a unified, individual

thing of nature. We can and do

join together, but this is false for

we truly are never split. There

are those who try to split our one for

they are half of what we are. We when

joined in the eye of others are truly

able to create another of us. We,

us, are one. We are the man and woman

combination. We shall always join

as one and become another. Without

us our life will die.

February 28, 1973

To be uncaring for others thought is to be free in a sense of yourself. This sense of freedom is known by very few people. It can be one of many things or be many things in itself. It can be the quietness of a noisy, crowded room, or the confusion of the wilderness and all the sounds that fill your mind. There is silence in every word that is heard in every room full of people, even in a car with a full stereo set on a full volume. There is never a time when you are truly alone or there is never a sound. For there is always yourself, the one who is with you for all your life, and after death who lives on forever. There is always this one to talk with, for yourself will always understand a problem you have even though you do not know the answer. But to know yourself is to find the real person of you. This can be done when you ask your parents your first question of life or when the time comes for there to be no more life and just see yourself for a moment. It may be found in the quiet halls of your home or in the midst of a huge meeting. Perhaps you may not ever truly see yourself. In that you don't believe that each person is of another in mind and soul. This is sad to the ones who have found themselves, but it is not really. Yourself is just made of you and you can accept yourself or not. If you are one who has found yourself you may be happy. But you few who have not found yourself, keep searching for you are truly there. Each moment will beauty be seen. For there is no other with whom you can share your closest secrets, your unknown adventures and all things in life. And may in death he may share these things with you.

March 2, 1973

My shell is dissolving

My cocoon is being shed--

I am entering a new life

bold and brave--

Old ties are lost-new strings

are sewn. The past is forever

The future yet to come-- I am

of life and living has come...

March 22, 1973

This world such a beautiful thing. When is it really looked at? Perhaps as you walk, when you see the life that it follows. To each step that is taken upon it, it feels, and this remains forever. Look at the fields that traverse this path and the trees partially hidden in the fog. Watch the sun as it solely over takes the fog replacing it as itself. These are beauties of the mind and each is held differently, yet they are the same to each eye that views these wonders. It is in truth the mind that holds all different. Very unlike the soul that sees each thing, each passing beauty the same. And this soul goes on forever seeing each eyes difference, each minds beauty, and through its existence forever it composes each of these views into one thing for all to see.

April 3, 1973


From Matthew

April 3rd, Nineteen-hundred and Seventy-three

As the sea rolls upon the shore beating the sand and rock with each wave- So does my heart feel when I am near to you. With each step I take closer to you my energies build up and they have expanded to such great magnitudes that perhaps as I touch you a volcano erupts, this to show our great bond together. The energies released between, flow like lava down the mountain-always choosing a different forbidden path.

April 20th, Nineteen-hundred and Seventy-three

To be without you is like the flower without the sun. For until you walked into my life I had never fully blossomed. When you came I opened my eyes and arms and accepted every bit of your radiance. I allowed your life giving energy, of new found adventures, to flow through my body and give myself new life hopes and betterment of being. You allowed me to come of life and to create beauty from within and without. I have totally come out to see life, like a closed rose placed in water. Life intriques me more than before. Each day changes as the dawn to eve. All things are beautiful before mine eyes: But you are the most beautiful of all and I say never leave.

April 21st, Nineteen-hundred and Seventy-three

Your love is like a field of grain, ever flowing in the wind. There is never a dark patch upon your golden being. The wind playing upon the grain is like the beauty of your soul. The soil upon which the grain stands resembles yourself, in that you hold yourself firm to conviction, but then allow yourself to change as the time goes on. You brought love to me as the grain brings food to the people. As I walk with you I feel the soft beds of grain softly collecting the weight of myself. You're soft as a gentle breeze and as mild as the color of the grain. For as each of these beauties remind me of you and you of each. They shall be with me, as you, forever.


The Haiku is an ancient form of poetry consisting of three lines. The first and last contain five syllables and the middle line containing seven syllables. Each Haiku attempts to tell a true story, based on something the author has seen or knows about. These are my attempts at the Haiku.

A door once told death- Huge wave--surfer top-

Now opened and things seen Morning ... Beauty is held by one.

of horror ... A lie! Yet tis but a cloud.

A pen ... a paper. Rain ... forms ponds. Which then

Which writes--which is written on. Is haven for life. Sun comes --

Answer is the mind. Pond dries--life dies too.

God and girl--differ Man.. Woman. Each one

Belief is held in each eye. Life joined--anger forgotten

One is far, one close. Love made--live prevails

Green grass flowing smooth. Contentment is found

Atop hill of grace - Who shall Within solitude of peace.

hear silence but life? Beauty is there.

Blind man does not see.

And neither does the man with

sight. They feel all truth.

Ignorance persists.

Man is ridden with guilt. Peace

donates death. Life gone

Child to be--God to

make plans. Machine of devil

places each to ruin.

Man who walks alone

perhaps Asian-White-Negro?

Yet still but a man.


I'm lost, I have no where to go--

The world has abandoned me

Everyone's left.

Where shall I turn? Which way to run.

I am but alone,

I am sorry for the past but

It has gone. It cannot be

Changed. What I did then I won't regret.

It will not be forgotten by anyone

(if there are any to remember).

Why did everything go, leave me

along in the dark, in the cold-cold dark?

Should I wait or leave this place

Shall I chance a search or miss them as

they return?

What shall I do--I don't know?

I'm so use to having others tell

me what my place is.

That once, just once I choose to go

against the others and now they've all left.

I'm so alone.

May 8, 1973

As I sit within the confines of this car, I wonder why I am here? Now I was told to wait, but for the last fifteen minutes all I've done is just sat and talked or sang to myself. Could it be that my mind is going -- am I becoming senile or having some other disease that affects the mind attack me. Well that is one of the possibilities; others are that I am truly talking to something other than me. Maybe I am talking to "myself" a different being, trying to use him as a connection between me and my soul. Am I tuning into things not in the physical plane or am I just hallucinating the cold metal, the hot heavy air. Everything has changed, I no longer see the lights of which surrounded myself but a few moments ago. Enough I want to return to the boring place within the car. Something is stopping me. I can't go back. I am truly a spirit now able to travel anywhere I wish, and to the car I go. What is this?- my father crying, an ambulance, a man with an ax? They're all breaking into the car that I was once sitting in. I wonder for what reason. What-a-second: hold it. There I am but I am here also. It could be that I am sleeping not dead like they think. When I wake they'll know. It's been days since I fell asleep and why have they tried not to awake me. I want to awaken and see the world through my own eyes to feel the beauty of the earth. I won't accept that I am dead though I was burried yesterday. What am I waiting for, I can go in and see what is holding them up, or can I?

May 11, 1973


Good morning Sunshine, how was your sleep? Well let me tell you about mine. I dreamed of everything beautiful, everywhere. There was so much that I cannot remember it all. One part I can still almost feel the soft grass between my toes. I can feel the fresh morning dew and sweet smell of fresh air.

There it is ahead of me, a field with thousands of flowers each more beautiful than the next but never surpassing the others. I ran and ran through that field, stopping at each flower, counting each petal and smelling each flower. It was a virgin place where no person had been before. I spent an entire day upon that field rising to heights I've never been to before. It was so beautiful I could live there forever. Then the sun began to set, each flower began to close and I knew my dream was ending. I took one flower and said goodbye to the best thing that has ever happened: Or was it? Let's call it the second best. The best is that I took this trip without stuff. Maybe now I can be a better person.

Well Mr. Sunshine, what do you think? Am I now a beautiful person, may I go now? "You may my child. You are cured now - pure as the day you were born. When you leave take care for each corner you turn holds an evil, but do not watch each step as to tumble and fall over yourself. My blessings to you - goodbye, good luck and please take your flower."

September 10, 1973

Love, have we grown so far apart so as

our eyes cannot meet each other.

Cannot we two find contentment amid the heavy

masses of the earth.

It was yesterday that we planned to marry

now today we judge each other by hate.

How can we last, we two victims of humanity?

Oh love it only it weren't now,

perhaps in the future or the past,

maybe then if we would have met

perhaps we could have lasted.

Now we each say farewell, again to something there

never was. Someday - Shall we meet again,

it can be love between us once more.

September 19, 1973


One ever a joke I had planned.

It took money-an exact amount

but the change I could not find.

I searched and searched but nowhere the change.

Then a man some 50 years appears-

he then views my searching and asks

if I need assistance - I then ask for change.

He gives me the exact amount needed

and will not take mine.

I give thanks and he leaves.

I place the money in the slot, I fail in all my

planning. I reflect for a moment, "Should I

spend the money or return it?"

I've decided, so I follow the path in which the

man walked - he's gone.

Knowledge follows bewilderment - I will

keep the money - but only until it can be

used for a purpose far greater than my

own purpose. To a starving man, a brother in trouble, or

for any needful purpose 'cept my own, I will give

this dime I received for nothing.

September 19, 1973


A dog being chased by a cat;

An addict who is cured and dies of an over-dose in the morning

A tow truck being pushed by a car;

Man creating life but just to kill it.

All are contradictions of nature, law, and life.

One girl who says I'll live in the country

And raise my own food,

But then is stuck on city highs and begs for

No reason at all.

One who seeks the grace and beauty of the Country,

But who disgraces the partial beauty of the City.

Beg thee, she is no hippe, else I call myself One.

No descent does she hold for people, nor do I.

We both dream of many beautiful things,

But I follow my dreams and she is the

Opposite of hers.

September 20, 1973

a dreamer who is beautiful

who dies not act the way they dream

and never sees the beauty of the

sunset or serenity in the world-

is an untruth; an exact contradiction

of nature.

poet art thou?




























"Who needs that?"

September 24, 1973

To run like the wind

and as fast as the speed

of light you must release

yourself from the restrictions

of your body.

Remember that the only limits you

have are the things that you fear.

These fears can be dissolved

as easily as sugar in water.

Believe therefore that you are the

wind and you will harbor no fears.

Work hard and study others who

are good, but not the best, you are

the best. Fear not to share

your ideas and secrets for they are but

a limitation to your own ability.

Love so much that no one will fear you,

and each will be

affected by your love in a beautiful

way. You have the power but

others gave it to you-through

life. Love not to hate but turn

hate to love.

October 14, 1973

I walk along a lonely shore

remembering the teaming

thousands who once herded to this place.

Then to a street wide and long -

building whose tops are covered

by clouds, turn this street into a valley-

Still there are no people -

the ones who once yelled, and ran to each sale,

scurried up and down fast elevators. There are no

cars nor buses, and no people.

A concert hall vast and consuming

where every eve millions of people

floundered in and out, each dazed in his

own way by the music - now just instruments

left untouched for quite some time

and a sad story written on each. No people

to listen, no screaming or fainting of wild children.

Just echoes of one's step.

Now to a church most sacred of all

places - pews covered with dust,

for no one's sat on them for many a day.

Kneelers set; candles now starved for the the

wax is gone - we're all alone,

no one to pray; no god to be prayed to -

everyone's gone, still all alone.

A silent road, once filled with

vehicles of may sorts, with horns honking, brake

lights on. Potholes never to be fixed

now serve as a path to nowhere.



Offices, bars-

Stadiums all tranquil and still-

Airports and downtown areas

hollow and dead-

No one to run,

None to cry,

Happiness and war are gone.

There is silence all around-

children; wife;


I wonder why only I hid (heeded the warning)?

Now they're gone, all of them.

What to do - what to do?

October 25, 1973

The ocean with its vast energies creates the tide, and these tides, my love, bind myself to you. With you, who are the ocean, and I the floundering ship, ever bowing-ever humbling to your wishes. When you're happy I am. When you are sad, I follow. You flow so smoothly each step seems to never fully touch the ground. You grace the areas you've past and left sadness in your wake.

But still you provide beauty for each to feast upon. I am drawn to you as I am to the ocean. As I swim in the water flowing smoothly, in my thoughts I remember our tender moments. Thus my love we are one; flowing smooth and feeling life as it really is.

December 4, 1973

December 15, 1973 *

A field of grain better represents the unity of which we have-

we trust each other believing in ourselves;

fearing little save ourselves, still loving life to its fullest

extent. Marriage will be soon with one question unanswered-

Why do not they understand? And though they do not understand, it does

not matter. Religion was created by life thus life is more important

than religion and that is why we love each other in the way we do.

December 18, 1973 *


look loomingly to blue eyes meet beauty in dark hours

life awaits ahead dangerous but who would pass such a great challenge-

surely not we two who find life a great challenge.

we love and grow under dark shadows revealing little to an

undeserving world.


If you marry me I promise to work for you. Whether in a cathedral or in front of a justice of peace, my vows will be kept true. On the honeymoon my love, we could travel or sit within our own home, either way my dream, we will join together for life. Why just Paris or Rome? Why not both and more. We could sail or fly both watching the beauty of the sky. When we return your dreams will come true, you will have your house, just as you wanted - a large yard with a white picket fence, surrounded by grass plains. Your favorite animal will be waiting and you will have a home and a husband, who will return to you each night praying not to leave the next morning. Our children will grow, never to fear one of us. For they will be taught as children should be; wise and beautiful.

Happiness will follow us for a very long time. I hope on our sixtieth anniversary we will remember today as it was just yesterday. Marry me my love - I promise you --

January 15, 1974

Life let us walk together,

and live together.

Let us find the beauty that is encompassed

in the earth.

Let us live in freedom with no

boundries around us; let us fly

the ship of everlasting love.

Let us feel the joy, touch what

we make.

Let us build a kingdom of the love

we have.

Let us teach unto others the

beauty we two share.

Life we love you, you are everything to us:

you are included in the problems we two have,

you are the one who guards us in ever step

we take.

We walk along, hand-in-hand with you,

always caring and sharing all our love.

Life we love you and that is all we need to do.

February 13, 1974

Come with me

feel free--

never lie

never die.

Greatness abounds

and life surrounds-

ever knowing,

never slowing

while life endures,

you survive

always moving-

never stopping.

We'll never know

where it ends-----

March 11, 1974

A tree grows in Spring.

A leaf falls in Autumn,

but still a tree grows in Spring

and life prevails over death.

Does life prevail or does it just live with

death, can't it along with death be one small corner

in a cycle that all things must pass through.

Think and understand and believe.

Man trusts a stone lying flat on the ground,

but distrusts a bird flying overhead.

So he kills the bird.

If that person thought for a second; would

not the stone be a greater danger than the

bird. Could not the stone harm the man to a

much greater extent than

one lone Robin.

He destroys a flower not knowing that

the flower provides him with life and

steals his death. He destroys a beauty but

it lasts: for man's ignorance is recognized

be the rest of the earth and the Earth


March 15, 1974

I am a stone

cold and gray,

unable to tell how I feel or why

I am this way.

Always nervous, I guess I'm afraid

to get caught sitting here waiting to

be released from my cell.

For truly this is a cell

freedom we're not permitted

but in marriage we'll be free.

We fear your parents,

a blessing from mine.

Celebration is but between we

two and very little another.

On the day we come together,

on that day we will

really be one fearing nothing-

Braving each step together,

as many others have before us.

They endured and we will endure and

our children will not just endure

they will truly live.

We will break the prison.

March 15, 1974




for me






March 22, 1974

Blue skies everywhere,

Mountain tops covered with snow,

Forests green from the rain,

Clear streams you'll never


Going nowhere fast, cuz futures just the past.

Take alook- feel alive.

No cities to dwell,

Just harmony with the morning dew.

The country is the place

Away from the noise and haste

Away from the city life is just beyond.

May 28, 1974

now is the time to live

not hide yourself away

pick yourself up and

let's ride away to fall all lands

set up our home of logs and food

away from the mess here today

May 28, 1974

She stood there-alone

waiting for what

I could not tell.

I was two blocks away

with little to do so I began

to walk to her.

My first block, uneventful,

she just stood there unmoving.

As I crossed to the second block

the skies began to grey-I didn't notice at first.

Three-quarters of a block left and she began

to move restlessly. Now I could tell she was

waiting for something.

She was beautiful, I think I was in love.

Half a block left, I noticed she was pacing

at an ever quickening rate.

One-quarter of a block left and she was what

I had dreamed, beauty unreal.

A fog began to fall around us

I hastened to meet her.

I fell over a fire hydrant,

scrapped my arm bad.

Sprained my ankle on the curb, too.

When I reached the spot where

she was the fog began to lift and the skies began to

clear but,

she was gone, nothing was left.

My only memory of her seemed like a dream.

May 31, 1974


Oh how grand and illustrious the beginning was, the sheen from the birth light drowned the night. Firs the Sun; then the planets, the moons and as the light dwindled and with its last spark life was born. With this the beginning of as we are now had begun. We weren't very large, pretty much the size of a bug. But we grew, we have become so large over the hundred trillion years that now we hardly fit in our artificial covering.

We are advancing and regressing. Our minds have grown and our useless bodies have shrank. Robots do our work for we are to lazy and weak bodied for physical labor.

We just think with our ever growing minds, as we exterminate ourselves. There are no forests, the trees are gone. Only memories remain, ones past to us from our grandfathers. How I wish for the days when life was fleeting, being able to move my arms and legs, which are so atrophied I don't even resemble a man or woman, which ever I was meant to be 300 years ago. Yes my age is advanced, as more of us dies the rest live longer. My creator lived to be 700 years old.

Its so lonely here, only two hundred or so of us left living, if you call it that. Another beginning is needed I wish to die and be life again.

The light is so bright,

My vision has passed on

blackness of the womb!

June 10, 1974

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for people to dissolve bands that have held them together. To ascertain certain rights such as freedom, life and fulfillment of both. So that the person shall be free and untied to any movement or other thing. So that they may be free for themselves, put their trust into themselves and have no other bar their own judgement as it is now. Our complaints began where this modern country began. The Declaration of Independence of the United States of America for Great Britain in 1776 A.D.. Tells us in a few great ways, that all people of the United States shall have the right to do as he pleases in his own way, that he shall have no one put him down, that in this country of the United States and the world, "all people are created equal." No man, woman, or child has the power to push their own beliefs upon another individual. Each person must observe and see, this way he then forms his own beliefs. Some see how things should be without hurting others but by helping. And others, the ones who have been pushed, they are the dictators, the changers, and the disbelievers. Karl Marx believed in a Utopia for all. Lenin and Stalin changed his beliefs and now communism is evil. Following the ageless rule, two evils make a right, other evils have formed and even we the people of the United States are no longer safe in our home. The government spies upon us. Our president has a list of enemies, it includes everyone who's spoken against him. A president is to lead and set examples, well if he is an example we are to follow, I feel great discontent in my heart for this world.

Remember it is your right to walk the street, to breathe the air, to own land and to live. Try not to forget you were born of this earth and you must believe in the Earth, protect its life and believe in love to live.

June 10, 1974


Some people understand things others don't but then the people who don't understand soon will-

A world of uniformity destroys itself-

The hardest thing to do is tell the truth, no matter what it may be-

No one being is more important than the world but saving the world starts with one being-

It has been said that time curves upon itself, perhaps then we will have another chance-

He fights so hard but each battle he wins is really a loss to himself-

Life can be one thing to many people but why have there been things life hate, war, and other things in it, but now there are people changing it? Why are they doing it, why?

Though true time shall never end, our time shall. In all the universe all things remain the same - though parts of the universe change the universe itself stays the same forever-

People in love act in strange ways, some of which show love, but others act as if they hate the other, but in their heart that is the only person for them. In me these emotions are mixed, but they all point to one.

Life ends as it started: nothing-

Beauty is as far as one man sees-

They come; they live; they eat; they drink;

They come; they kill; they die; they destroy; they ?

No matter how hard man fights, no matter how many battles he wins, it all turns out that eventually man is destroyed. For him enemies are everywhere, in the air, in the ground, and in his heart. For in his heart is the one weapon that destroys everyman. That is love.

As time curves we find ourselves growing deeper into despair-

This world is not ours, for we are only visitors-

Freedom is life and beauty and love-

I was once asked by my girlfriend and her mother, "Why is it when you leave that there is a big gap in our house?" and after a moment of thought I answered, " It is my full compliance with nature that brings everyone together and when I leave everyone drifts apart."

It is cold only where others deny there is warmth, as it is with life: it is only worth living so long as death is unthought-

Freedom is to walk along one unending path and see all the things that are beautiful. This path therefore is called life-

In order for a world to endure life must exist-

To be at peace with oneself is to be at peace with all.

To each person life is different, but life to all is the same-

As we walk along this glorious path of life we seek the question to the answer - "Why?"

It's a beautiful morning here today

Clear blue skies, dark green trees everywhere

you look,

The air is not musted with the smell

of foul smoke.

Somehow people are smiling and laughing.

The weather is great not hot or cool.

Who could believe that all this could be in

the city.

June 12, 1974

Spring is here

time for the trees to leaf

and flowers to bloom.

Time for crying as new loves are formed and lost.

Sunshine is longer and life grows more.

Streams and ponds are built anew,

live prevails now, won't you too!

Puppies and kittens and cubs and fawn,

snakes, and worms and the birds song.

These all ring out as a sign of Spring.

June 12, 1974

Life is beautiful. Love creates

life so it is beautiful. Beauty can

be created by life and thus brings about love.

In humans love leads to marriage and

marriage ends in death. Death is misunderstood,

but it leads once more to life. So life is

misunderstood, and this misunderstanding

leads to evil. Evil is money and one valuable

coin leads to crime. Crime to murder, and

murder for murder. Murder in the end

creates life and life is beautiful.

July 10, 1974




July 25, 1974




July 16, 1974

As we walk along the glorious path of life

we find outselves seeking the reason

for life. Thus we travel from one circle

to another and we return once again to the

first. And we see that the reason

for life still eludes us and it makes us

wonder if there is a way to find this reason

which ahs created such beauty. So we still

travel, never stopping to really look and some

are discovering great things, some of which

modern man has never dreamed. They

are looking everywhere at all forms of life.

Little by little they are seeing reasons for

life and that each form, whether large or small

exist for a purpose. They exist for

a reason, for without them-no pleasure

would life hold, no entertainment would the

circus be, no pets for anyone to see.

And we realize it is not our right nor purpose

to steal away their life.

October 5, 1974

Sing a song

Sing it on life and beauty

Or perhaps death and hate.

But at least sing a song.

To gladden your being,

To lift your spirits,

In time of need,

But just sing.

August 25, 1974

To have knowledge

you cannot only read a

text and memorize it

but you must absorb that

knowledge. Be ever ready

to apply that knowledge. And

always know what variations

may occur. But to still study anew.


Life begins at the moment of union - for the egg of the male would die without the union caused by the female. Then these two cells smaller than our vision, begin to grow and they keep growing. For close to a year the womb is their home, but for the last six months all they have done is to grow larger even though their predetermined shape is as it was at three months of life. Then birth occurs, a most satisfying experience, if conducted properly. The revelation of this can be as wonderful as the creation of the universe or the finding of a God. The little being smaller and weaker and so helpless that it cannot feed itself.

The vacuum is broken, the being is breathing, its first sound that of happiness for everyone but for the being - crying. And the being grows to a child, pup, a fawn or a chick. Then these grow into full fledged thinking beings. They learn about their life past and present. Most learn a viable survival, but some learn to survive at others risk.

The viable beings learn about the Earth, how to co-exist with others and how to really fell the extent of life, living as one and not contending to any real extent. The ones who exist upon others are in a base part of Man, not all men have this evil, some are just pacifists, watching and not doing anything, and others are viable.

The men who are evil are parasites. They use others to achieve their goals, doing very little themselves leaving most of their work to be done by bullies, hitmen and machines. Yes machines are evil, having no senses of their own and by relying on humans for control they hurt without knowing.

Then beings begin to age, and are judged and put by others into a class of being, known as "senility." Though their knowledge surpasses ours, their minds so much more complex, to us they speak in rhyme and riddle of things we little understand. So we discard them, some to the young for food, some to a home for waste.

They die, their being splits from solid to an energy that flows along seeing lives and leaving anew and perhaps ready to be born again. Maybe in the same form or perhaps a new and different life. All life emerges from one place and only the adults form different views, separating themselves from a man to an animal.

November 26, 1974

One lonely boy sitting - being watched by another, his being deserves the tribute by which a song could bring. Riddles before him but already his knowledge is vast, for the beauties of which the mind perceives are shown to him through the eyes of life. Many care as he sits still wondering what shall transpire next. He is there among a complexity of steel, wire, concrete and light but sitting along on a simple floor. He will grow and memories will prevail as does the thought of life. The visions he retains now could become the realities of the future. A wife shall he take and a home with family shall rise. His children will already have a knowledge of his vision. And with age he will see new visions, this time without the chains of man holding them in. He sees the truth though unable to convey them to another, and still he sits alone and crying with many who care.

December 5, 1974

the man who grows old; sees the ways of life in senses unknown to the younger

The moment we met there was nothing much. I sat here and you sat there. My eyes glanced more at another than at you. Then you asked, "Why not come and sit here?" So I did and still nothing occurred, my eye appeared to another yet. During the break we played cards, and talked and nothing happened for many a day. Then one day during the time-in-between we glanced upon each other. There was a beauty there in your eyes that I could not even mention till now. I felt a vision of endurance as we gazed, and I still feel it today. I feel that you are something special, and I am still not. I believe you to be a great future and again I am not. For compared to yours, my life is meaningless and unsure. I do not have a right to probe your life but I wish to. Perhaps this feeling I have is growing towards a greater affection to you, I do not know. I know I have no right to ruin you as I am, but you are beautiful and I care. Still we talked and I enjoy your company. To me you are perfect everything, that I believe a person should be. You have awakened a new sense within me and I wish to have a sense of you.

December 6, 1974





How much playing around

is there in this world!



The COLD is the Common Cold, a viral infection. It affects the nose, and throat, sometimes including the eyes and also producing a fever. It also has the capability of bringing a total malaise of the body. Duration is ONE to TWO weeks, with the incubation period which varies but GENERALLY three to four days. In weak individuals the Common Cold acting as a secondary infection it could appear in as little as One day and in Very Healthy individuals period of incubation could last Ten Days. The Cold is not affected by antibiotics, or other drugs. The Sick Individual can only sit and WAIT it out.



The People (in order of introducing):









Tracey: Daughter of Joy, Sister of Donna, Child of Two.

All of the above people are friends. Knowing each other some in more ways than one. We all attend the same school. Some at different times of the day but we generally see each other around.




I am the first to get sick. I believe this came about by the droplet infection from my family. Presumably I received this around the twelfth or fourteenth of the month. Thus my period of communicability would be from there. I, myself have been going out with Donna for several months now, quite regularly I might add. During this time we have kissed most passionately, sending germs from one to the other, and she has received the worst. I could guess that after I was infected I presented these same germs to her, perhaps before I was sick or maybe after. My illness was evident on the sixteenth and on the seventeenth, knowing full well that I could pass it to Donna, upon seeing her that day I kissed her sniffles and all. This is another time when I could have passed on to her the germs of the Cold.

On the seventeenth and eighteenth many of us went out to wine (beer) and dine at a place known as "the family inn." I observed the sharing of food and drink between Donna and Saje several a time. Could the Cold have been passed here or perhaps on the nineteenth between the two.

On the nineteenth my cold was at its worst. I felt down and out but I still stayed late at school for open gym. Also with me were Donna and Saje. My body had to rest and knowing full well that none would be received at Donna's, I declined returning her to her place of residence. By my declining Saje took upon this as his opportunity to take her home. He said he was tired and would take her straight home and drop her off there. They seemed eager to rid themselves of me, saying "get a good nights rest," and then leaving abruptly. On the day after this, while bringing Donna to school, she mentioned, whether kidding or not, that both her and Saje had


come to rest at the neighborhood Pub. Donna had her cold ring out on the eighteenth and poor Saje was sniffling on the twenty-second.

As we move further down the line we must remove ourselves from the present and go back two or three weeks to a party I had the pleasure of being the host of. During that night I took many pictures. And though unnoticed by the people at the party Saje and Debby spent some time together. This is no presumption on my part for it is evidenced by a picture showing Saje and Debby standing together, her on the left - he on the right, arm-in-arm, laughing. Now how this occurred with everyone that is not sure and I will not even try to explain. Debby had her boyfriend, Ken, with her. And how he missed it we may never know. Saje, the one on the right, had left Kim at home. So proceeding on the evidence above we can return to the present. And assuming that still secretly, both Saje and Debby are still viewing each other in dark areas, along and unnoticed. So now we explain how our hero Saje infected Debby somewhere between the nineteenth and the twenty-fourth, when Debby fell ill with the Cold - The Ever Threatening Cold. Also we notice that Ken becomes ill on the twenty-sixth of the month, perhaps spreading on his own chain.

The end does not come yet. We pick up once more with Debby. Since all of us attend the same school we each see the other sometimes during the week. Now though we see each other we all cannot get to school on our own. I usually bring Donna to school and she rides home with Joan, since they both work at the same place. Saje and his girlfriend Kim generally have their own car, Ken his own but his schedule varies too greatly from Debbie's for them to ride together, Debby must secure her own way to school. Now I will introduce the final person that I know of who is involved in the chain. Now remember that though I observe greatly, I cannot see each person forever. I can only write about what I know and not about what others know. So now Gary comes in. He lives close to Debby, has his own transportation and generally must arrive at the same time as Debby. So each morning and each evening they both return to and from school in the same vehicle. Somehow, I cannot guess what happened, but from Debby to Gary the infamous cold was transferred.


Gary begins his visible illness on the twenty-sixth and Kim is ill on the twenty-fifth. This is the end of the story, now on to the loose facts.

Loose Facts:

Even though I am the first close person who is sick we do find a two year old child, the sister of Donna, who is ill on the sixteenth. Could she instead of I infected Donna and then there started the chain. And what of Joan? She is ill on the twenty-sixth. How could she have contracted it. Though with everyone at times, never is she close to any of us. Could you answer how this occurred? Are there any other loose ends that could fit this? It is your story, draw your own ideas.


Matthew on the 16th

Tracey on the 16th?

Donna on the 18th

Saje on the 22nd

Kim on the 25th Debby on the 24th

Ken on the 26th Gary on the 26th

JOAN ON THE 26th??


I hope you derived enjoyment from this. I believe it has set your mind working. In correlating these events I could bring great strife to some of the characters, so at this moment I must say this, "What I have written above is a story. I have taken many facts that occurred separately and have tied them together into one line. All of the above is an assumption or a guessing of what might have caused the Cold to spread and though it may be actual fact, I do not claim it to be. I only guess, I am a writer so I write."

April 7, 1975

One day many years ago,

A man was born.

Of this man, a life grew out.

He took a wife,

Had some children.

Suffered as occasionally people do.

Tornados and floods pushed him around.

One took his wife -

He put his kids through college.

A doctor, lawyer, and statesman he produced.

Alas one, the fourth grew differently.

At 15 he was busted -

At 20 he was shot -

At 30 he was committed -

At 60 he was released -

The man's doctor, attorney and statesman left

him alone to rot.

He heard not a word from them but

knew they were waiting for him to die.

They sit like vultures waiting for money, not blood.

His son at sixty returns to a father old and grey.

He cares for him, changing

the diapers that he must wear.

Caring for almost twenty years he never leaves

him alone. On his twenty-first year of caring

the man at 106 dies in his sleep,

at the time he was born.

The vultures have passed also, exhausted

by their waiting. Perhaps in this reason the

man died with a smile.

His one son, the evil at first now a man

reserves and uses the money for caring.

He now dies known by only a few

and remembered by none.

April 18, 1975

We missed the turning -

shall we go back?

But what of the road ahead?

No one has traveled it.

Or at least none have come back to tell

of their journey.

You say go on!

I say no.

You argue - I'm bla, boring, afraid of

trying new experiences.

I say you're wrong, (knowing you're right)

I am in conflict with both myself and you,

you seem strong - I am weak.

On that I will follow you.

We walk miles upon miles.

I look back on where we left - it's gone!

I am scared, I see nothing ahead of us and our home is gone.

Again mile on mile,

And suddenly a light, dim but growing lighter

with each step -

I grow panicky, half with fear - half with excitement;


You forge ahead.

Now a city, grandiose and beautiful.

People, some I even recognize, enjoying themselves

in every way.

A group comes to greet us.

Among the speakers is a man whom my

parents said had died (could we be in heaven?).

He tells we have found what we are looking

for, each person walks along in life searching

for a dream. People come from everywhere,

some apprehensive, some fully daring. When

here your wish comes true. There is contentment,

peace, wars are forgotten. The only danger we

have is death of old age. You are in Utopia

now. Work will you do, but stress will not

follow you. Welcome to Heaven on Earth.

May 5, 1975

We met a long time ago. Each to ourselves were the feelings kept.

Spoken aloud each of us never heard the other speak.

Motion used to speak was another story.

A look upon the face you have when I accidentally come to a place where you are with your beau.

It defines two feelings, one your future with him, and the other shows the

frustration of what could be missing.

Still actions more than words explain to me how you feel.

I enjoy you being there; or whenever we meet (which is not too often now).

One day we meet with a group of many, your beau is gone.

He found himself better to be away from your life as had been before.

We find drink plenty, at first a feeling out of the others thought.

Sitting, talking, laughing we enjoy ourselves apart from each other physically.

As time passes so do formalities.

We leave a walk for thinking is planned.

As it occurs we walk arm-in-arm.

Stopping, we at times expel some type of built up affections,

(at least for myself I believe that to be true.)

At other times we talk expelling thoughts of yesterday and tomorrow.

Close to the returning we stop once more - making a promise we hope to keep.

Shall tomorrow the sunrise without anyone but unknown lovers enjoying it.

Here today gone tomorrow that's how the story goes.

Every person believes in what tomorrow will be, none really understanding just fantoming.

In the eyes of yesterday we are all ghosts, we are nothing but a nightmare;

the eyes of today act as confused as we really are;

and the eyes of tomorrow, we are all young

babes with all hope lying before us.

Like the wind which goes as it pleases so should we follow the path that pleases us.

And in every day remember to what fullness life should be lived, do not relinquish one second

or you will become bored and useless.

The day is over once more did we see each other and that I do not remember well.

Of tomorrow still too many questions, but today shall be kept here to remember.

Perhaps Tomorrow

May 24, 1975

A long time ago I had a friend.

He was a good friend, had alot of good times.

Well unexpectantly he moved out of state,

With the rest of his family.

it happened so quickly I didn't know

Where he went.

One day I received a letter, six months after he moved.

He told me stories of what had happened since,

And promised that we would exchange letters

For along time.

Well we did for about six months, he never

Returned any fitter that.

Now once in a while I will write a letter hoping to

Be returned but nothing.

And so to you, I've promised to write- I am just wondering what will occur?

May 24, 1975

Perhaps tomorrow we will meet,

Once more as we did yesterday.

The scenery might be different,

I hope the feeling will still be the same.

I waited for that moment yesterday,

It occurred as I had hoped it would.

I said perhaps tomorrow as we parted,

I hope perhaps tomorrow will occur.

May 24, 1975


These are two men of great age. Neither has ever met before in there lives. Though they have never met, each shares one thing in common. They both are senile to each person younger than themselves. Think.. could it be true that they are more advanced then we and just simply misunderstood by the world and these two nurses.

"Look at these two old fools just sittin' there jabbering away and saying nothing."

"Yes they sure are funny."

"I'm never gonna be looking like that, I am going to take care of myself now. Oh! How sick I get when I look at them."

"Why do you work here if this makes you feel sick ?"

"I needed the money for an abortion and this is close to the only job I could get. I never did study a thing 'bout nursing so when one of these old people give me trouble I juss slap 'em upside the head. But really is doesn't do any good they don 't pay any attention."

"Yea what do they know they don't understand a thing anyway. All they are capable of is pushing the button to bother us while we are busy on the phone. Most of the time they don't remember why they called us so mostly I ignore them."

"Oh my! Look at the time. I've got a date at 4 O'clock and my boyfriend said to not be late or he will find someone else to take. Joan you wouldn't mind covering for me and would you also stamp my card at 6? Make everything look good and if the boss asks, I went home sick.

"Yea Vicki, I'll take care of everything, (looking at those two men I wonder if they really are as stupid as they look or far more intelligent. Do they really under-stand)?'

Shall we now joint Mr. Samuel Lark in as he speaks his first words to another person since his wife died:

Years ago--

'I am a man some eighty-five years of age at this time. I dream of the past, know what the future holds and the present, well it happens every day and its always the same. It's been along time since I have talked to someone.

The reason for that is my wife died back in 1967. Before her death we lived in a beautiful home. for the aged, its name was Grand' de Vida. Now since she left I have lived in this hole of a place. This Koosner Manor Nursing Home as it is called is horrible. I have not really looked at it but once, a short glimpse at my time of entering. Since then I have dreamed of the past not associating with anyone but myself. I remember how my wife and I always thought of the future, always planning, dreaming, wanting things to work out.

I was always like that even before I met her. When I first rode a car back in 1902 1 wanted one, in fact I wanted two before I married. So I set my mind to fulfill that dream. I worked and saved and finally when I did marry I had two cars.

The day we met was beautiful. There was a cool breeze flowing through the willow trees. Everyone was choosing a partner for the big hayride and somehow we were thrown together. We never had met before this, even though we lived a block away from each other. That night we learned alot about ourselves. Her name was Chris Kenny and I knew that soon she would be Mrs. Samuel Larkin.

She was fifteen and I was seventeen. I found a good job even though I only went to grade school. While I was working she was continuing her education and found a small job in a grocery store. We decided not to marry till a year after she graduated from high school. And so it was in 1908, myself at the age of twenty and Chris at eighteen we married. It was a big church wedding with all our friends there. Our honeymoon was short just a weekend at Niagra. After our few days away from our families and friends we began to farm the future. I worked each day as much as possible and she worked diligently preparing our home for our first child. Close to one year after we married there I was sitting alone pacing my lining room when the doctor came from my wife's bedroom and announced that we had twins. The two boys were quite a shock to both of us. It took almost two days for us to choose their names, Thomas and Edward.

You know its funny that I've outlived my first two sons. My first twin Thomas was killed at Pearl Harbor. He was a fine sailor and son. He wrote to us each week. He entered the Navy right after high school, and was stationed aboard the Arizona. To him it was the most fabulous ship in the entire Navy and he'll be on her forever.

As for Edward, well after high school he went to college, I believe it was Yale. He studied for five years. He dreamed of being a doctor, but in 1935 an army recruiting officer persuaded him to join. So he and his wife, Peggy, moved on an army base in Nevada. They had two children to care for also. I haven't seen them since before World War II. Edward lasted through World War II in Europe. He stupidly went on to Korea. That's where he was killed. So after his death his wife hid away from mostly all of her relatives.

So about a year and a-half after Tom and Ed were born another surprise came, this time a pair of girls. Well immediately we named them Mary and Catherine. They were both born on June 1st just a few moments apart. That was back in 1910.

So there we were married about three years and we had quite a family built for ourselves.

At eighteen Mary left us you could say forever. She became a Nun in a parish in France. Her last letter was quite depressing. It was the spring of forty-two after she found out that Thomas had been killed. They were close for many years and they loved each other very much.

Catherine was a different kind of person. She didn't to much like the church but somehow we per-suaded her to go every Sunday. Sometimes she would come up with an excuse not to go, but we generally saw through it. She married at 24 to a Harvard man of "32. They moved to New York and the only time she returned here to Chicago was when her mother died, she stayed long enough to determine where to bury her mother and myself. Her and my son Bill, placed me in this hole, I guess it was to expensive for them to keep me in the other place. Even though me pension paid for it. I don't really bear any grudge it was probably the best for everyone.

About five months before Karen our first single child was born, I received a promotion to district manager which helped bring in a lot more money and it was really needed. Karen then came along in late 1911. It was such a shock only one child. To be honest when she was born I

thought something was wrong when I was told that I was only the father of one girl. I sat waiting for her twin but I guess he was to come a few years later. We brought her home to our new house, she had her own room and even started walking around the age of one. We moved to Chicago, one month before Bill was born and Karen was running around as much as Chris and myself were. While we were moving the furniture into our new home Karen vanished and none of us even knew she was gone until about Six O'clock when we sat down for dinner. Everyone was searching for her. We eventually found her about an hour later in afield picking some flowers. We were relieved to have her back and it turned out that one of the neighborhood children took her walking and left her alone for a few moments and she vanished during that time also. As Karen grew older she became as beautiful as her mother. She did fine in school and took care of the younger ones as well as her mother. Well as it usually happens she married a nice young man. It was a huge wedding and Thomas got a leave from the navy. They started out the same as Chris and I did. In 1934 they had their first child and almost one after each year. While carrying her tenth child she became terribly ill. Doctor said it was consumption, well she lost her child and it changed her greatly, God did it change her. We hardly ever heard from her again. Her last letter hinted South Africa as a home, never knew if she even got there.

After we had settled down in Chicago, on September 7, 1913, William was born. This helped create more problems and we hired a maid to take care of Bill. She was a nice-fat woman, pleasant as an apple orchard in spring. With this extra help, Chris was able to pursue a few things on her own. Mostly she painted beautiful paintings like that one. Bill grew up and it seemed that each year another of our children was entering school. Over the next five years we did not have any more children. We just sat back and watched our children grow. About 1918 William was entering preschool, an experiment at that time, and our last pair of twins came to our lives. Their names were Mark and Nancy. Mark grew up and hated almost everyone he met. The only person he would spend any time with was the circus master and at the age of fifteen he ran off with the circus and we haven't heard anything from him since.

Nancy our last girl just grew up and left us, she said to see the world, find a husband, have a family, and take care of them. That's all she wanted and that's all she has now. We had another pair of twins, they died at birth on the eve of the first radio broadcast.

I'm telling you about my children, because they are important to me along with my wife, they are my life. I love them all dearly, but they're gone now, gone for quite along time. Since 1955 when Chris and I entered our first Nursing Home we hadn't heard from anyone. Then Chris died in 1966 and at the age of 78 all my family was gone. Two years later my son Mark came home, you remember he's the who ran off with the circus. Well he came back from 35 years in a traveling circus. He had cancer and died a couple of years later, but I enjoyed my time with a son I really didn't know.

So I've sat here for the last five years not doing to much, just watching everything go by. Well it's about time to eat and sleep, seems my body has our daily routine memorized. I am going nowhere but at least I have somewhere."

"They seem to be finished talking or whatever. First time they have smiled since I have been here. Seems pretty sad that all they do is just sit and wait to die. I guess that's the way it is, isn't it?"

July 19th, 1975


Love as defined by Websters unabridged dictionary is, "a strong affection, attachment or devotion to a person or thing." A dictionary can give only words to describe a feeling that can impound all into silence.

Love as intended here is not the puppy love of ungrown children. Nor is it the love so many use falsely in consummation of feelings in the act of making love. This love is much more than any mentioned above. Love is the feeling between two people that causes their pulse to rise. Love causes the tightening of held hands. Love causes a "queasiness" throughout ones body with just the thought of one's love.

Love is the ability of two strangers, both introverts, to talk for mine hours and never stutter or run out of words. Love is the desire of saying "i love you", in a room crowded with strangers.

Love allows one to brave new worlds. To create new challenges and engage in activities that once filled you with dreaded fear. Love is uncertainty and then again a stubborn headedness that pushes you on through each endeavor.

Love is a term that words could never truely define. For in truth a book could never express a feeling. Love to your great grandmother could have been a sudden heart throb, to your mother a blissful feeling, and to you a feeling of safety, warmth, and security. Love varies in every person's eyes. Kahill Gibran wrote, "Love is the gentle smile on the lips of beauty. " To define a feeling will take forever. One can only write how they react.

December 7, 1975

As it is Christmas time.

A time for each to develop a new sense of caring, sharing and love. Love is the spirit of Christmas. The spirit lives in each who wonders at the brilliance of a star. A spirit never over shadowed by a light nor dimmed by darkness. To most the spirit seems to come and go. Taking full body around the time of Christmas. The spirit of Christmas causes a Scrooge to be Santa, turns a grouch into a gentleman content to by with the world.

We use a man called Santa Clause (Kris Krinkle, St. Nicholas) to represent the wondrous spirit of Christmas.

At Christmas time we most fully extend ourselves. We forget our truffles and strifes. A transgression to a great existence which fills all the desires and wishes that exist within us.

And the spirit of Christmas, the Love embodied by all. Lovers young and old have it, they show it everyday of the year. At no time is there more love and caring shared in the entire world then at Christmas time. A time for gifts and of giving.

December 22, 1975


Everyday I awake my thoughts are fresh of you. My dreams encompass a

Life I believe we two could have together. I find ourselves in new situations in every dream, but dreams are only thoughts and

Its the realities I enjoy more than anything a dream could offer. I in the

Zodiac of Libra and you in Taurus could very well have a destiny together. In the way we've met and in the ways our relationship is improving. Either our future destiny is grandiose or our life together will end in a climatic crash.

And everyday we spend together move so quickly it seems there is never enough time in our lives. Ah,

But the memories shall endure as each and every day I grow fonder of you.

Entering into your life has been the most glorious occurrence in mine.

Though unsure at times my uncertainty usually fades away into the happiness you radiate The security and safety a baby feels in its mothers womb is

How I feel as I hold you, "I Love You.

Many times have I been with you.

And in each I feel much closer to you. To

Round out the thoughts and feeling I have for

You would take all the paper in this world.

The days of our lives come and go.

Here now and gone the next. We find that an

Eternity together is not such a maligned existence. I hope the

Rest of our days together are at least as good as this and then hopefully better. In the emotional

Entity called love, we have begun the workings of tomorrow.

Some the few who know, question our existence. They wonder if we can

Endure the rigors of tomorrow. We shall

Bring to each a world of intended joy. In our

Rich life, full of contentment. I believe neither of us will falter each supported with the strength and

Assurance of the other. Though at times you act

Zany, with actions inconsistent of before, I to in my

Zeal find, at times, ackward revelations.

And if by chance our intended

Lives fail to occur, I wish to you a wonderful

Existence. In what ever life you have to live.

January 1, 1976


no older then the man who died yesterday and no younger than the babe to be born tomorrow.


it is truth as it is seen through my vision of life.


beyond tomorrow, well past yesterday.


it consists of life all that exists now, that has existed and all that will come, it speaks of a coming together-where existence is peaceful and joyous. destitute and madness fade. energy of life abounds, tomorrow is another day, far different from yesterday but each curves upon the other- it must all be studied and questioned, then the answers broken down and more questions. life exists, death as we know it wanes, unity as one produces strength and assurance, tomorrow continues, the future is changed.


forever and eternity

may 25, 1976

Beauty, Life, wonder, love-

each occupies a varied channel to

Life. Beauty travels among the heart to the vision of the eye. Beauty

beholds the eye. The beholder dreams the vision of life, wanderlust at its magnitude. Life follows the vision, refining, evolving, and increasing each day as fondness grows. The travels occur ever following life in its beauty, searching vast spaces for minute intimate details, each with a wonder of its own, and wonder do indeed we have, each with a share of the path. Each traveling to the mind enhancing the vision of life. As we seek new wonders we find the beholder of fondness increasing our love for each other. And that's what all our searches lead us to- a universal feeling that occurs in all existence. We have it, want it, and need it though it usually never shows its hand.


you write that you may dance beyond the moon. Fly beyond the sun, seek haven in the universal eye. In the word and the letter are great bounds, beginning from one time to the next and eventually returning eons later. In a word is a song dazzling and brilliant in its voyage chaining life to living and the now to death. The stars each tell us a story always true and varied, never of horror or lies. As our minds work in truth only ignorance hides the truth, changes the words and denies us freedom.



In a many splendored existence one force carries

Us through all endeavor, and that is life. The beauty and romance of all we are, all we have ever been, and all we ever are to be encompasses life. The power that decides who is here, who is not, the joy of whatever existence you are, the time form which you begin to exist, the moment a new life is created from your to begin anew. All are in the bonds of life. And to love we may say it endures in some and feels naught in others. For some a passing speck of time draws the love of all from the love of now. And then love created, blossoms grows and dies to begin anew. Many and varied types all incur their warmth and shelter to each.. Love blinds those having no need to see and guides those wishing to feel. Love also teaches in ever differing ways to each, love is a entity it dreams and exists. Share it with no remorse. Happiness, the founder of all emotion. From the moment of birth to the death of a life. Happiness finds all within us. The pounding of the heart, the ectascy of life. Intertwined with love it shadows hate, brings forth joy, and destroys sorrow.

Tomorrow speaks of a time ner' to distant to see or to close to feel. Tomorrow speaks of an ending or perhaps a new birth. Never truly showing itself, we each have our wishes about it. Each wondering from whence it came or where it will go. This tomorrow pushes us on from one place to another. It tells us time is short and should be spent wastefully. Forget the past but learn form mistakes. Tomorrow endures despite loss or gain, sorrow or happiness.

Continue your dream for soon you will be gone. Whether or not life has touched, love has guided, happiness adorned, and tomorrow frightened you.

You are life, a living free entity know to all. You have rights to live, endure and die. You exist. Show care and feeling to each. Share yourself for there is never to little of you to spread so thin that you are forgotten


Once again learning starts.

Time when once buried knowledge again rises up above the depths of forgetfulness.

Time to be queried and answered.

A time to wonder with lust at all the marvels held by wisdom.

Alas all ye seekers of truth and tomorrow, watch and listen for each knows the other could hold the key to life.

The answers we each seek are oft times buried deep within and only with prodding and a heave do our minds once more convert idle waste into thoughts of distinguished advances.

Knowledge comes- more is entrained.

Each word grows upon itself add to the other. A word defines the thought and visa versa. Knowledge is the key, whether taught or learned, it is the answer to life with no shadow or crevice.

And so knowledge is forgotten whether buried deep down in the mind or lost through disuse, or knowledge and thought can waste away, stagnant till death, ner to rise again.

But new hope arises again- new minds, new thoughts.

More questions with greater answers.

Learning continues on and on for it never stops.

As with life walking in one step

It continues


Copyright © 2002, 2003 Matthew Lee Kincaid